Duel (DM2)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
Sat 30 August 2003 on TSC Kteams #1 (Ohio)
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA YA
58 0 14 -1 14 4 21 4
67 1 2 tsc_armageddon 4 18 12 7
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 9 -1
Spawn Fragger 2 -1
Thursday 15 Jan 2004, 11:23
I hoped that -1 would post some of the other maps, as you can see I'm pretty worthless anywhere but DM6 :)
Thursday 15 Jan 2004, 11:32
The dm6 we played at the same day as this kinda sucked cause my g/f called during the match and I went afk for a min or so :/
Kinda boring to upload demos of people talking on the phone.
Thursday 15 Jan 2004, 15:08
It's sh!tty when you play on servers that won't allow you to pause for phone-calls and whatnot. I say you guys rematch it and post the results of that here no matter what the outcome. No excuses this time :)
Thursday 15 Jan 2004, 17:50
Works for me, -1 and I aren't making any excuses, we actually 1v1 quite often and always enjoy the games no matter what the outcome.
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