Duel (DM2)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
Fri 03 January 2003 on qh-lan #5 duel #21
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA YA
13 0 22 noc 23 5 15 2
14 0 1 HeHed 3 27 11 15
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 6 noc
Monday 09 Feb 2004, 04:57
Hehed is the best player ever... i love him!
His my fucking idol... i wana be like him!
Becuse im elite haxx0r!
Monday 09 Feb 2004, 04:59
Hehed is the best!!! Ohhh yeah!
Everybody must download this demo, becuse of Hehed is in it. i promes ju. hi is the best player ever! love him!
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