Arena (DM4)
Rating: 4.4 (112 votes)
5 minutes, Deathmatch 4, Teamplay 2
Sat 27 April 2002 on Telenordia duel #1
low avg high team total players
13 14 13 diva 31 1
13 14 13 dork 21 1
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths
13 0 31 diva SoD! 31 21
13 0 21 dork tFf_keen 21 31
17 0 spectator _ray 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 59.6 SoD!
Frag Streak 3 SoD!
Sunday 28 Apr 2002, 21:55
gg shaft %
Sunday 28 Apr 2002, 23:42
glad to see sod frying up keen again...this is the aim I love to see in action. sod i hope you will compete in the qhlan this summer:)
Monday 29 Apr 2002, 04:36
SoD! Wannabe :)
Old demo? or a new recorded one?
Monday 29 Apr 2002, 09:42
2 days old
Monday 29 Apr 2002, 10:40
Shadow of Death! moget 51.6% :)
Monday 29 Apr 2002, 12:20
bit boring:/
Monday 29 Apr 2002, 14:37
kinda boring that they played with dmm4 :/
Monday 29 Apr 2002, 16:04
of a crispy and chunky nature
Monday 29 Apr 2002, 16:25
SoD! just completely out smarts his opponent here! :P
Monday 29 Apr 2002, 16:50
yes=) much tactics when you play dmm4 with shaft=)
Tuesday 30 Apr 2002, 06:55
(author not available)
not very impressive getting 51% this way, imo.
Tuesday 30 Apr 2002, 08:34
Not impressive? Try it, u will be very happy with 40.
Tuesday 30 Apr 2002, 08:59
yes it is
If you got 51.6% it's very impressive. Try to do a better result if you think it's not that hard
Tuesday 30 Apr 2002, 09:09
Gotta agree with chip on this one. SoD! shows impressive shaft techniques here. Wether it be because of mere rutine playing against keen - knowing the way he moves , the rythm. The fact that he plays with lan ping. or the two combined i dont know. I am sure one, the other or both is helping him getting this impressive hit percentage though.
I must say, this is a new way of playing dmm4 :) Looks pretty good for rpacticing ur shaft-infight moves. Gotta test that sometime :)
Tuesday 30 Apr 2002, 10:03
(author not available)
chip, ive got 45-50 in dmm3 games.
Tuesday 30 Apr 2002, 18:27
(author not available)
imo, it's easier to get better shaft % in dmm3 than dmm4 because enemies don't try to dodge shaft in dmm3 like they do in dmm4 (because enemies try to get stuff, not dodge) :>
Wednesday 01 May 2002, 06:46
(author not available)
so u say that keen tried to dodge the shaft here? lol...
Wednesday 01 May 2002, 07:37
"ive got 45-50 in dmm3 games."

Wednesday 01 May 2002, 09:14
I want to see demos from u, Mr. Aimbot:)
Wednesday 01 May 2002, 09:45
When you watch SoD! everything looks so easy.Just saying OOOH thats nothing, i can get 40-50% my self. Well play against him with shaft and you will understand, it like a aimbot(almost)
Wednesday 01 May 2002, 10:00
SoD!: Strafe left!
Keen: Affirmitive!
Wednesday 01 May 2002, 12:10
Wednesday 01 May 2002, 12:55
over 30% shaft is very good.. SoD shaft is insane!!!! ;>>
Wednesday 01 May 2002, 13:18
(author not available)
"40-50%"-> ive got 40-50% lots of times, so i know how 'easy' it is.
Wednesday 01 May 2002, 14:14
yes its easy to talk a lot of shit when you dont use yer nick.. post a demo where you get 51% shaft and i promise i'll bother to download it.
Wednesday 01 May 2002, 14:22
Why are people responding to the noname? Do you seriously think he has gotten anywhere over 25%? :)
Wednesday 01 May 2002, 17:28
yer, exactly kov; i have seen sod fry up dudes accurately on quite a few occasions...and i have yet to see many players with aim as consistently effective as sod's aim. nabbe's aim in tdm is accurate...but there are few who'd can out aim sod consistently.
Wednesday 01 May 2002, 18:33
(author not available)
xhrl, no one can outaim sod..his aim is in its "own" dimension. Probably we will Never see a better aimer in qw.
Thursday 02 May 2002, 02:24
This is really nice, but I think i?ll go with para this one.
I dunno how well SoD! knows Keen?s moves, but the shafting looked pretty routine from time to time.
And also I think that it was pretty ok by Keen to score 30+% shaft against SoD!, even though I don?t know wheter it?s the same thing with Keen knowing SoD! well or not.
Very impressive shafting though =B-)

Thursday 02 May 2002, 05:11
(author not available)
i was saying that i didnt find it very impressive getting 51% in this kind of game, no. keen aint trying to dodge very well, very predictble movement. even a 40% shaft in a normal dmm3 game is more impressive then this. (have i ever said that this is bad aiming? no, i have not.) and kovaak, u dont know shi't what ur talkin' about. just becoz i won't tell my nick i can't aim? "..." <- thats my comment about that.
Thursday 02 May 2002, 09:57
noname, give up or send up one of your l33t sH4fT1nG sk1Ll d3M0s and I promise u get LOTS of downloads..
Thursday 02 May 2002, 10:59
you know why he doesnt upload a demo of him getting 50% shaft in dmm3 game? because he doesnt have one, hehe
Thursday 02 May 2002, 11:42
noname i think that you must be fucked up pretty good if you say that you have aim about 40-50% (or you play with a 3day newbie) cuz its impossible
kovaak - in my opinion its more difficult to get better accuracy when u play dmm3 because sometimes u have to shaft into holes and teles to prevent enemy from getting to ra or smth but still 50% is an awesome score:)
Thursday 02 May 2002, 13:32
(author not available)
hagge, u know blade? he got 48%, that demo didnt get many downloads.
Thursday 02 May 2002, 14:13
Ye, I know blade.. it didn?t get many downloads because he isn?t famous.. but you are now that u talked so much about your 50% shaft that?s sooo easy to get.. blade got som comments though just because of his shaft..
Thursday 02 May 2002, 14:56
Is it u hideing under that noname nick Knight?
Thursday 02 May 2002, 15:31
lol dreey ;> eller snake kanske? ;P
Thursday 02 May 2002, 20:34
This reply is to the no name reply above:

45-50% shaft rating in dmm3 games is COMPLETELY different from dmm4 mode. First of all, I'm guessing you didn't use purely shaft in the dmm3 game (you probably used rocket launcher the majority of the time). In this demo, shaft is the ONLY gun used for 5 minutes. Don't be a tard, use some common sense.
Friday 03 May 2002, 02:05
i agree with mr. noname; keen doesn't know how to or doesn't even try to dodge sod's shaft. but i still must say that sod does have a very good aim, as good as paradoks' or maybe even better. but this demo doesn't show any skill since keen clearly doesn't play dmm4 often.
Friday 03 May 2002, 11:28
(author not available)
hagge, dont say "send up one of your l33t sH4fT1nG sk1Ll d3M0s and I promise u get LOTS of downloads" then...
Friday 03 May 2002, 11:32
(author not available)
anon: still, having a 45-50 in a dmm3 will always be more impressive to me then a 45-50 in a dmm4 game. what is a dmm4 game any good for if u cant get got shaft accuracy in a dmm3 game too?
Friday 03 May 2002, 12:03
nonamed-5.0%shaft, dont boast with 50% shaft anymore plz since you dont have it, nor the demos to prove it, thank you
Friday 03 May 2002, 17:14
(author not available)
why do you think it's harder to shaft in dmm3 game than dmm4? in dmm3 the enemies are usually expecting rl shots, not shaft so it's easier to shaft them..
Friday 03 May 2002, 18:56
It?s easy to get a 100 % shaft in dmm3 games.. U just need to hit with one cell and then don?t use the shaft anymore =(
Sunday 05 May 2002, 06:48
(author not available)
b0ner, i dont really care what u think or not. i know how it is.
Sunday 05 May 2002, 06:51
(author not available)
' why do you think it's harder to shaft in dmm3 game than dmm4? in dmm3 the enemies are usually expecting rl shots, not shaft so it's easier to shaft them..'

Sunday 05 May 2002, 08:41
nonamed-5.0%shaft, you really do seem to care a lot, why else brag about having such a shaft - and yes you know how it is, and so do I, as we all here :)
Wednesday 08 May 2002, 12:50
honestly I agree with noname in the fact that this is not a godlike shaft. SoD! is a fantastic player with one hell of a shaft in dmm3 games. But when you and your enemy stay in the small ammo room and dont try to evade very much its not that impressive. I'm not saying keen and sod were trying to make his % higher (like para did) I'm just saying in dmm4, in a small room for 5 minutes it's not that difficult to get 50%, and it certianly isn't worth the time I took to write this. :(
Thursday 09 May 2002, 04:17
pawn: if it's not that difficult, record a demo and upload here, otherwise plz don't say it's not difficult - sod just makes it look easy. and, what is this para demo youre talking about, i'd like to watch it.
Saturday 11 May 2002, 14:39
yeah god damn right its hard
btw does sod play on gl or soft?:)
Monday 13 May 2002, 13:28
(author not available)
Nice shaft.

Oh and will the stupid lamers please shut up? If you weren't an anonymous coward, I'd find you and beat you with your own keyboard, for wasting my time by posting crap I have to read because I couldn't know it was crap before I read it, right?
Wednesday 12 Jun 2002, 16:31

sod uses gl...with the mqw client i think.
he just bought a nice upgraded system for his rtcw tdm interests. I hope he plays some qw on that system though; i will be disappointed if i don't see him at the qhlan or playing this duelmania2 tourney.
Thursday 20 Jun 2002, 07:04
Just a site note on DMM3 shaft vs DMM4.

It is harder to get higher shaft % in DMM3 than DMM4.

There r several reasons.

One obvious is ofcoruse, to be a good shafter u need to get into the rythm of ur opponent. with 250 200 and unlimited ammo, it dont take many minutes, if not seconds to get a good rythm.

In DMM3 u get maybe 2 - 5 second shaft fight at the time, sometime MAX 2 seconds. And it is not continiusly shaft fights. It is hit and run most of the times. Plus u have the pressure on u, that u have to win, or not die. In DMM4 everyone wrecklessly just run head to head, and shaft like maniacs. They r more concerned on hitting the opponent than dodging it, cause lets face it. Frags in DMM4 is not important, and it sure is fun to just ram that shaft up the ass of some n00b opponent :)
Wednesday 31 Jul 2002, 06:19
dear shaft sick ppl

i had 100% lg eff but the opponent didnt move at all ;<<<
but that just tells us that its all about ur opponent.. sod try to hit magma for example. he is a sick pastard who doest strafe one way all the time..
nice demo anyway.

best wishes -- XAMP --
Wednesday 31 Jul 2002, 07:54
totally lame newbie demo , its very hard to get 51% lg with lan ping and mqwcl zZZZZzz stop posting these newbie demos, btw sod try 40ms and qizmo :|
Wednesday 31 Jul 2002, 07:56
wallu mite noin muuten menee? :KK
Wednesday 31 Jul 2002, 08:24
siinh? se vitutaa n?? pelle demot 12ms ja mqwcl sit typoo GODLY SHAFT :;E:E:E:E::ASF:SF: :S:F: :SF:S:F:SF
Wednesday 31 Jul 2002, 08:25
mites sul ;(
Sunday 04 Aug 2002, 14:50
aika boree niiq, jesh lahen hesburgeris kaymaan. tuonko sulle mitaan? :F
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