Arena (POVDMM4)
Rating: 4.1 (18 votes)
5 minutes, Deathmatch 4, Teamplay 2
Sun 19 February 2006 on TERRA - QW KT-PRO 1.66 #3
low avg high team total players
37 38 37 pink 30 1
37 38 37 blue 27 1
ping pl frags team name Kills Deaths
37 0 30 pink 30 28
37 5 27 blue *AnM*•Zip 28 32
125 50 spectator joga10[ronaldinho gaucho] 0 0
79 0 spectator ___white___ 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 51.7
Frag Streak 2 *AnM*•Zip,
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 16:45
Zip is a very skilled qw player, nice game!
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 16:58
lol @ calling him zip :D
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 16:59
Uncle Sam
Its a povdmm4 demo for fucks sake. Beat Griffin on dm4 then we'll talk you hairy latino whore.
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 18:06
big whoopie doo
you still cant beat interceptor
until then you will live in his shadows jealously.
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 18:29
as far i know zip is unbeatable on pov.. this game has pretty unfair, zip played with pl10+
and i think if he played interceptor with same conditions he could easily win
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 18:33
i honestly think we would all be beaten by some good player from CS-community or something that has awesome direct hit control, or maybe some little kid that is 8 years old and is used to play "point and click"- games, cause thats all what pov is about :)
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 18:57
Noone beats inter hes as good as chuck norris :<
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 19:52
Haha this story gets better. Renatija is my new favourite player :(

There's still some mystery though. All these demos are .qwd, implying that either Renatija uploaded them or someone else did on their behalf. So, why fake as an Argentinian? How are the anonymous posters so sure that Renatija is Brazilian? Makes no sense :(

I'm waiting hopefully on the dm4 demos. I WANT TO BELIEVE.
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 21:23
sorry, its impossible to say the girl is better than zip... hes a fucking very talented qw player.. he can easy win her..
and hes rarely playing nowadays
Sunday 19 Feb 2006, 21:25
sorry, its impossible to say the girl is better than zip... hes a fucking very talented qw player.. he can easy win her..
and hes rarely playing nowadays
Monday 20 Feb 2006, 01:59

This game is playing in a brazilian server, no way someone from Argentina would be able to get ping 29 in a brazilian server, so...
Monday 20 Feb 2006, 07:04
I see what you mean, but they could have moved to Brazil.... maybe to ping lower to quake servers?
Monday 20 Feb 2006, 09:02

Believe me, He is not arg

And can you explain me why all this hype on this player?
Monday 20 Feb 2006, 10:10
Renatija is a very solid player indeed.
I believe she/he is probably the best in Brazil / Argentina. Very nice shaft, and Zip sure know how to strafe...
Way to go Renatija...
Monday 20 Feb 2006, 10:11
I am wondering if Renatija could schedule a game againt interceptor, on a fair server?
Monday 20 Feb 2006, 10:53
Why all the hype? It's a good indicator of the skill of qw players in South America, and there sure isn't many demos from there landing on CHTV. Sure it's probably not quite up to the EU standard (most impressive pov demo I saw was chAmp with 50% lg 1-2yrs ago), but that's to be expected in a less competitive scene.

And obviously, there'd be even more hype if Renatija was actually an Argentinian girl (as the poster suggests) and not a Brazilian guy (as the commenters are pointing out).

More demos! :(
Monday 20 Feb 2006, 12:47
zip sure CAN'T strage. he just move back and forth in the same lenght all the time. not hard to aim at all. plz, before u comment on movement and aim skills u should be good at it urself.
Monday 20 Feb 2006, 13:18
#17 you have no idea, so shut up.

Check the link bellow, and you will see that what Zip managed to do in povdmm4, not even interceptor or anyone did. Zip is very skilled, and if Renatija owned him, she must be a good player too.
Monday 20 Feb 2006, 16:35
#15 HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH what for ? those demos are realy average ffs!
Monday 20 Feb 2006, 22:26
lol. For one, as already stated whoever this zip guy really is, he had terrible ping and pl spikes. For second the best chick quake players I ever knew *always* turned out to be guys. I'm not saying Renatija is guaranteed to be a guy, but I knew at least 5 quake players who played as chicks for years. Anyone who even suggested their gender to be other than female would get laughed at. There was no level that these guys wouldn't stoop too either. A couple of them would frequently flirt with the guys and engage in private sex chat. Remember, if something seems to good to be true, it usually is.
Monday 20 Feb 2006, 22:27
#18: against bots? plz. all that takes is time. inters demo had 70+% lg the first 6-7kills, so all it would take is time. he got bad movement, playing good against bots dont change that. noob.
Tuesday 21 Feb 2006, 03:50

shut the fuck up you stupid piece of shit, you know nothing about brazilain quakeworld comunity, so stop doing pathetic comentarys like that, i know inumerous players that are best than this Renatjia or could do a very disputed match, so shut the fuck up and dont you say what you dont know about
Tuesday 21 Feb 2006, 05:17

i know what i see, and i see a player with very bad movement. so plz stfu.
Tuesday 21 Feb 2006, 14:36
Renatija is probably the best in Brazil, so you shut the fuck up.
Zip was the best in Brazil, and now Renatija is owning him.
Wednesday 22 Feb 2006, 00:29
People, wake up please!!!! Renatija isn?t from Argentina ok??? And guess what??? She is not a woman too!!!! This player is a brazilian qw player, and i know who is him but if he prefer to stay anonymous i respect.....
All i can say about this is: best povdmm4 player doesn?t mean you are best DM player or teamplay player also...
Wednesday 22 Feb 2006, 04:48
Haha, this just keeps getting funnier by the post :p
Wednesday 22 Feb 2006, 05:36
it never ends. first its australia, then south america(NA next?). they all claim to be gods of qw but fail to realise they pretty much suck. this guy is no different. he would lose so fucking bad vs any good euro shafter on povdmm4. I can name 10 people who can own this guy ez. I guess he is even with goqsane.
Wednesday 22 Feb 2006, 09:25
The best povdmm4 is murdoch
Wednesday 22 Feb 2006, 14:21
murdoch? Who the hell is this? I saw him once on a Brazilian server. He is a shitty player. As per what I can see on the demos, Renatija is a far better player.
Thursday 23 Feb 2006, 20:04

Mur is a bad player? I can guarantee you not. He is the only hpb that beats top players, i know him for a long time already, and have seen him playing inumerous time, and i am not saying only against noobs. I have seen him playing against top players, including for example, doob, and he WON, with ping 78. Even myself had hard times recognizing that he is not cheater. I personally like his style, he dont says too much, he just enter the game and play, and simply own everybody, he even play unnamed, but it doesnt works, when we see a hpb with ping 80+ owning everybody we know who this is... its MURDOCH :d

Thursday 23 Feb 2006, 21:03
I have owned murdoch several times. He is not a bad player, but he is not even top10 in Brazil. Renatija would rape him.
Friday 24 Feb 2006, 01:32
you have owned me several times? if you're not doob then stop the lies please, aside from doob no one owns me, and i bet u're Renatija himself ;)
Friday 24 Feb 2006, 01:35
and btw, own me in lan and i'll pay u 500R$, hows that? ;))
Friday 24 Feb 2006, 02:00
shut the fuck up y'll
Friday 24 Feb 2006, 06:30
When did people start caring about DMM4 so much? DMM4 is a fun mod mode and somewhat decent for aim practice but it means absolute shit for strategy, movement, timing and prediction for DM. You can't weigh one player against the next by how well they play on pov. You seldemly see the top players playing on pov other than for aim warm-up before matches because it can only take you so far and there's no real strategy to it.
Friday 24 Feb 2006, 08:22
i agree with you oneshotflinch, i just find ridiculous a guy who won against only 1 good guy with 10 PL in pov and thinks himself as the best.
Friday 24 Feb 2006, 22:52
The best, and much better then murdoch at least. Who da hell is mursoch anyway?
Friday 24 Feb 2006, 22:54
By the way, as far as I remember, murdok and doob were raped by zip and AnM team anyway...
Saturday 25 Feb 2006, 11:36
yeah..and as far as i remember doob won all the 1on1 championships from 2001 to 2006, and raped simps.
Saturday 25 Feb 2006, 12:28
And murdoch raped doob, murdoch > all
Saturday 25 Feb 2006, 14:03
Post some demos of this murdoch guy then so we can all see how good is he B<
Saturday 25 Feb 2006, 18:40
He is shit. That's why no demos available.
Saturday 25 Feb 2006, 18:41
who da hell is simps?
post demos.
Wednesday 01 Mar 2006, 14:37
Simps is an Old school player from Brazil..
He used to be very good, but nowadays is Garbage


Listen to #28... if u want good pov demos try to watch Mur... or Spinal, Zip, Swift.

The problem is that everyone is inactive nowadays, so is hard to find good quality demos... :(

R U happy now, #43????? :PPP
Friday 03 Mar 2006, 23:18
Sorry but renatija is not simps :P Try another one :)
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