Duel (CPM3QW)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3
ping pl frags name Kills Deaths RA YA
39 0 40 dirtbox 42 14 8 24
28 0 5 hrylmn 10 52 16 10
Award Score Winner(s)
Frag Streak 20 dirtbox
Spawn Fragger 2 dirtbox
Friday 12 Mar 2004, 16:56
i like it; it is hot; get it while you can. when was this played and what is the mode about? the dirtbox is one sexy mover and shaker:) enjoyed the map except for that delayed or lack of control air pusher-upper thing.
Friday 12 Mar 2004, 21:12
was played 5mins b4 upload, and jmode is about doublejump (jump twice in under half a sec for extra boost) weapon tweaks (stronger axe/sng) no teleport slowdown (go in at over 300ups and come out at same speed) fallbunny (bunny hop out of a fall) fairpacks (drop last fired weapon) and timer jam powerups (spawn up to +/- 3 seconds before/after normal)
Friday 12 Mar 2004, 21:15
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