2vs2 (DM2)
  • EG_high
  • tsc•jackal
  • myth-eat
  • sajan
Rating: 4.7 (82 votes)
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 2
Sun 07 September 2003 on Googles#2
low avg high team total players RA YA Quad
54 58 62 taiw 34 2 17 25 7
55 82 108 blue 17 2 21 10 3
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA YA QUAD
54 10 24 taiw sajan 31 7 11 10 14 6
62 10 10 taiw myth-eat 16 2 21 7 11 1
55 0 10 blue tsc•jackal 14 0 32 9 7 0
108 2 7 blue EG_high 10 1 27 12 3 3
93 0 spectator diab 0 0 0 0 0 0
52 0 spectator turgid 0 0 0 0 0 0
26 0 spectator acid 0 0 0 0 0 0
109 0 spectator unnamed 0 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 68.6 sajan
Frag Streak 7 sajan
Quad Runner 4 sajan
Spawn Fragger 3 myth-eat
Unluckiest Spawner 4 EG_high
Thursday 11 Sep 2003, 20:40
oh my fucking motherfucking fat fucking god i have to see this
Thursday 11 Sep 2003, 20:58
now that ive seen it maybe i didnt really have to.... :o
Thursday 11 Sep 2003, 23:28
This is a funny ha ha demo!
Friday 12 Sep 2003, 01:30
maybe funny in that "not funny at all" sense
Friday 12 Sep 2003, 05:42
You should watch this demo from myth or cyan's pov. All the specs were cracking up after myth killed cyan with quad.
Friday 12 Sep 2003, 13:07
yeah, rib-tickling.
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