2vs2 (DM6)
  • *AnM*•Akiles
  • tig_gl
  • RSTForever
  • RSTThief
10 minutes, Deathmatch 3, Teamplay 2
Sat 22 May 2004 on UOL #2 - QW KT-PRO 1.60 Server
low avg high team total players RA GA
25 39 52 rst 38 2 0 0
27 58 89 anm 37 2 2 9
ping pl frags team name Kills TKs Deaths RA GA
27 0 27 anm *AnM*•Akiles 28 1 18 2 9
25 0 25 rst RSTForever 28 0 35 0 0
52 0 13 rst RSTThief 13 0 10 0 0
89 90 10 anm tig_gl 11 0 27 0 0
31 0 spectator away 0 0 0 0 0
39 0 spectator unnamed 0 0 0 0 0
94 0 spectator goKu 0 0 0 0 0
22 0 spectator reptile 0 0 0 0 0
66 0 spectator Buck 0 0 0 0 0
39 0 spectator xd JasoN 0 0 0 0 0
Award Score Winner(s)
Efficiency 60.0 *AnM*•Akiles
Frag Streak 8 *AnM*•Akiles, RSTForever
Spawn Fragger 1 RSTThief, tig_gl
Unluckiest Spawner 1 *AnM*•Akiles, RSTForever
Saturday 22 May 2004, 17:54
HruhurahHAURHuahrauRHAHRu damn those guys are almost better than Hagge!!!! And that dm6 2/2 tactics is so lol , one team cs @ ga/mega other @ ra plz they would get so rpd by average scandi team B|
Saturday 22 May 2004, 17:55
maybe it's a secret tactic that they have discovered that they will rape us like the noobz we r with? B< ph33r B<B<B<
Saturday 22 May 2004, 18:28
well, we can play a 2on2 dm6 on usa servers..
then we see the rape ;(
Saturday 22 May 2004, 20:37
insane is angry because his clan got wiped by a mixed brazillian team... fuck u dude I only see you crying because u lost or trying to "humiliate" others with your VERY low self steem attitude
u are probably fat with a mustache in your forehead
Saturday 22 May 2004, 22:50
these guys > hagge
Sunday 23 May 2004, 06:31
Muahahahahah guess im owned :|
Sunday 23 May 2004, 06:54
And btw im not mad that we lost to brazilian team with 150ms, those were fun games played because I asked you guys to play, and im not fat nor do i have moustache Be
Sunday 23 May 2004, 11:19
haha lame 2on2 between brazilians noobs!!
Sunday 23 May 2004, 13:05
just for the record mr helm.. sure we did lose one map vs the brazilians.. but didn't we win two after that? answer = yes :} and why are u so angry and upset when we are so happy? \o/ :D:D:D :(
Sunday 23 May 2004, 13:12
Hagge B)
Sunday 23 May 2004, 14:16
ok cheers, don?t wanna ruin anyone's happyness HAEHHA
Sunday 23 May 2004, 16:22
I heard Brazilians will come to next Qhlan7 and then well see who is the best oh and Reload will be there too.

Sunday 23 May 2004, 16:42
Monday 24 May 2004, 07:48
stfu noobz -->
btw: wtf iz brazil ? :<
Saturday 29 May 2004, 05:00
Saturday 29 May 2004, 07:11
brazil has nice girls and ghetto football players who sell bananas in dark corners
Wednesday 02 Jun 2004, 10:25
I like to put bannanas in my mouth. They are phalic shaped.
Thursday 05 Jan 2006, 20:37
Alexander DeLarge
"nice girls and ghetto football players who sell bananas in dark corners"

i agree with the first, but the european girls are really nice too..

and about the ghetto/banana stuff.. so sad..
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